rebuild the financial service scenarios.
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We participate in the formulation of relevant technical standards for remote video banking of the National Financial Standardization Technical Committee.
The market share of virtual business hall is > 70%.
There are more than 110 financial customers as successful cases.
More than 10 million transactions every year are processed as the platform video business.
There are nearly 300 experts in the fields of video, AI, business, etc.
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It provides interconnected, high-quality and real-time video call services in all platforms, supports multi-terminal interconnection of WeChat applet/Web/H5/APP/PC, and adopts the strategies of dedicated acceleration line, intelligent route selection and nearby access by users to effectively solve the problems of users’ multi-operator cross-network, low latency and high concurrency access.
Low latency
low jamming
high quality
It integrates real-time AV with AI living body recognition technology to check the identity through the high-security and high-accuracy videos and realize real-time compliance detection based on video images. It can help financial institutions to remotely verify the identities and real willingness of customers and comprehensively improve the recognition efficiency and business security.
All-scenario engergization
high risk control capability
intelligent quality inspection
RPA robot is developed for video transaction scenarios. A process can associate with multiple products to realize business process automation and standardize operation processes through visual page configuration.
Precise operation
low-cost management
security traceability
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Product system and service scenarios
No matter where the customers are, they can call the virtual business hall through APP or WeChat with one click, and the video or AI teller can handle the businesses that had to be handled offline in the past.
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Customer Case
Flying Tiger Interactive more than 110 financial customers as successful cases.
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Business advantages
New-generation industry-leading
AV technology capability
New-generation industry-leading AV technology capability
Fusion application in diverse and complex business scenarios
Exclusive financial AV service guarantee
Normalized management of enterprise video system
Greatly reducing the operation and maintenance difficulty and technical requirements
Technical advantages
Flexible deployment and meeting requirements
Flexible deployment and meeting requirements
Fast integration and easy production
All-platform, all-scenario and all-terminal
Dual encryption and security compliance
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